Sources and references

  1. The Health and Safety Executive has a mini site about ionising radiation:
  2. The list of radiation protection advisors (RPAs) recognised by the Health and Safety Executive:
  3. RPA2000 is a professional body that certifies the competence of radiological protection advisors. RPAs that appear on the list of certificate holders have been judged to be competent:
  4. Guidance from the HSE about radiation protection supervisors (Radiation Protection Supervisors, Ionising Radiation Protection Series No.6, IPR6, 2000):
  5. Frame P. (2012). Historical Instrument Collection. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Available at:
  6. Norquest S., Kile A., Peters D. (2016). Working with a collection of radioactive aircraft instruments. Objects Specialty Group Postprints, Volume 2, 2015 pp 169-180. The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works. Available at:
  7. Rowe S. (2017). A trouble shared is a trouble halved. The Polar Museum. Available at:
  8. Warren S. (2010). Dealing with Radiation Hazards: The Luminous Dial Project at the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation (J. CAC), Volume 35. Available at: